40 Sites For ESL Teachers

10 Learning Communities For ESL Students
10 Resources For ESL and Foreign Language Students- from Richard Byrne's blog
10 Ways to Support English Language Learning with The New York Times
22 Frames- close-captioned movies to aid students in learning English

Crossword Puzzles For ESL Students- all levels of difficulty; long list
Dave's ESL Cafe

English Central- learn English while watching videos; search by category or difficulty
English Raven's eLearning Resources Online 
English Zone- the BEST English-Learner's site on the Net!
ESL Gold- English study and learning materials
ESL Partyland- teaching ideas
ESLvideo- ESL video quizzes created by ESL teachers
Help for Students Learning English- tests, reference, forums
Inogolo- English pronunciation guide to names of people, places and stuff
Internet TESL Journal- monthly Web journal contains articles, research papers, lesson plans & handouts for teachers of ESL.
Learning Chocolate- by using pictures, sounds and games, students are able to learn vocabulary words.
ManyThings.org- interesting things for ESL students
Survival Tips For Teaching Kids English: 30 Tips and Resources- from Shelly Terrell's blog
Teacher Trove- wiki resource for ESL teachers
Verbs Online-English verb conjugation trainer; covers present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect and future perfect.

75 ESL Teaching Ideas
Boggle's World ESL Worksheets
English Grammar Lessons
English Language Space Station- free worksheets and ideas
ESOL Courses- free English lessons online
ESL Lesson Plans and Resources
ESL Printables- covers vocabulary and grammar; long listing
Everyday Life Tutorials- interactive site
Free English Lessons Online
iSLCollective- free worksheets made by teachers for teachers
Lesson Plans and Teaching Ideas- long list of links
Mingoville- English lessons for kids
New English Lessons- free handouts, worksheets, podcasts for current events
Nik's Daily English Activities
One Stop English- for English language teachers
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Center- general listening quizzes for three levels: easy, medium, difficult
Spelling Activity- Spot the Mistakes (funny signs)

51 Web Sites For Music Teachers

AfriClassical- African Heritage in Classical Music
Aria Database- close to 1,300 arias
Atlas of Plucked Instruments
Blank Sheet Music- free printable staff paper; many choices available
Choral Public Domain Library -5,000 free public domain scores
Classics for Kids- this site has a musical dictionary, games, information on instruments of the orchestra.
Conductor.com -sheet music links etc.
Incredibox-create rhythms
International Music Score Project- currently 85,000 scores
Let's Sing It- lyrics to songs (extensive)
MuseScore- free music notation software; Mac and PC download
Music Education Links Page- long list for choir and individual instruments
Music Instrument Makers' Forum-building guitars, violins, dulcimers, banjos, drums etc.; repair also discussed here.
Music Staff.com- -music teacher directory
Music Theory and History Online- extensive listing of resources
Mutopia- currently 1,680 pieces of music to download for free
Songs For Teaching- lyrics and products (CDs etc.) some $$$
Virtual Instrument Museum- from Wesleyan University

Boston Symphony Orchestra Lesson Plans
Classics For Kids- lesson plans cover grades K-5
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Teacher ResourcesKeeping Score- Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony's site promotes the joy of classical music
How to Teach Music to Children- videos from eHow
Music Activities and Lesson Plans- from Teacher's Corner
Music Arts Toolkit- lessons for K-12
Music Lesson Plan Links- for Middle School
Music Lessons By Grade Level- from Hot Chalk's Lesson Plans Page
Music Teacher Lessons- from Educational CyberPlayground
My Music Class- lesson library and online idea center; a ll ages covered
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame- lesson plans for all ages
The Science of Music- music lessons and activities
VH1 Music Studio- lessons about current music stars

Yet Another Suicide From Bullying

It's hard not to tear up when you watch 14 year old Jamey Rodemeyer talk about being bullied. His contribution to the "It Gets Better" campaign is an eerie reminder that we don't always know how bad one of our students is hurting until it's too late. In Jamey's case, he said he complained about being bullied but no one helped him.

32 Resource Links on Cyberbullying

The Internet has created a new place where bullies can go and anonymously taunt others. With last year's suicide of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi, (and many others) it has become more apparent that we need to help our students be more cyber smart and learn about why bullying is something to be taken seriously. It is never too early to educate our kids about the dangers of cyberspace. Here are 32 places you can use:

Chat Rooms
Chat Danger- information on how to stay safe when you use chat rooms, IM and cell phones

Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying- this site is part of the TeensHealth web site, with information on cyber bullying, why people bully and what happens when someone is bullied.
Reporting Cyber Bullies- information on what to do if you are bullied
*Video on Cyberbullying- from SchoolTube  

General Internet Safety Sites
CyberAngels- world's oldest & largest Internet safety organization
Cyber Safety- this site is hosted by Rob Nickel, who is an expert on cyber safety. In addition to a listing of tips for teens, parents and educators, there are videos you can download. (PSAs, interviews)
CyberSmart!-how to deal with cyber bullies, a list of proper manners while online, and social networking sites.
Don't Believe the Type: Know the Dangers- rules are listed for surfing the web, chat rooms, IM, email, newsgroups, forums, bulletin boards, social networking and sharing personal information.
Google Family Safety Center- tools, advice, vide tips from Google parents
Internet Safety 101 Quiz- how much do you know about Internet safety?
Internet Safety: Keeping it Real-designed by six students under the age of 16, this website won second place in Thinkquest's 2007 Competition. Excellent!
Internet Safety and You- for younger kids; Professor Garfield does the teaching; links for parents and teachers
LMK Life Online- sponsored by the Girl Scouts and Microsoft; education for young girls
iSafeSurf- sections on social safety, netiquette, acronyms, emoticons, peer-to-peer file sharing
NetSmartz Teens- they have a section of videos, downloadable activity cards and free multimedia presentations for Windows and Mac computers.
OnGuard Online: Social Networking Sites-with links and quick facts, this site has a game called "Friend Finder", which tests your knowledge about safely using online social networking sites.
Own Your Space- eBook is 16 chapters and free to download; excellent information about protecting your stuff and yourself online
SafeTeens.com- learn about chat room safety, teen safety on the Internet, cell phone safety tips and more.
Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens- this is a government site, with information on staying safe while you are online, including: trusting your instinct, only divulging information you are comfortable with, a reminder that once something is posted it is always there.
Webonauts Internet Academy- for elementary school kids; interactive learning about being safe online; when missions are completed, the Webonauts graduate with a certificate.
Wired Safety- this site claims to be the "world's largest Internet safety, help and education resource." Sections include cyber crime, cyber stalking, Internet predators, social networking and privacy and security.
X-Block- you'll find chat rooms, learn about cyber safety and their iMentoring program.

Net Manners- proper behavior tips
A Thin Line- fact sheets cover spying online, sexting and when kids use text messaging too much.
Tips for Proper Online Behavior- from the Boston Public Library

Privacy Online
Children's Online Privacy Protection- known as COPPA, this explains how children are protected
Safety Tips for Teens- learn what you should and shouldn't reveal about yourself online
Secure Websites in Plain English- video from Common Craft

You Can't Just Google It.....

My students seem to think that as long as they have Google, they don't need any other assistance with their research. When I meet with classes I show them how their results can change when they know what tools to use when on the Internet. Thanks to my colleague Nora, I have a new video to use in my presentations. Created with the wonderful site Xtranormal, this video is called "You Can't Just Google It".(It's funny, and we all know that will keep their attention)

You Can't Just Google It!
by: SweetSearch

Sharing 9-11 With Your Students

This Sunday is the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001. Here is a wonderful discussion guide which can be used by parents, caregivers and educators entitled "What Happened? The Story of September 11, 2001." Produced by The American Psychological Association and Nick News, the guide has several activities which introduce students to the events that unfolded that dreadful day. Why not start with the video, "Nick News with Linda Ellerbee: What Happened? The Story of September 11, 2001".  I've embedded it below for your convenience. Thank you to my colleague Brenda for sharing this link on Facebook!

School Has Begun!! 23 Sites to Get Started With Icebreakers

Many of you have started school already and I hope you are off to a great year. Getting to know your class can be loads of fun for your students if you try one of the many great icebreakers out there. Here are some places to begin:

Back to School Icebreakers- 6 activities are listed here

The Big Book of Icebreakers
- from Amazon.com

Education World
- currently there are 12 volumes of icebreaking ideas on the site

Icebreaker Ideas- list of teacher ideas

Icebreaker Tags- enter a name prompt, write a question, upload a logo if you have one

Icebreakers- from Dave's ESL Cafe

Icebreakers- from Teachervision; covers K-8

Icebreakers and Energizers-site says these are for any age group

Icebreakers for High School Students- check out the related articles at the bottom of the page

Introductions and Icebreakers- from Janet Abruzzo's blog

Resources for the First Day of School- from teachersfirst.com; grade levels are listed for each one

TeAchnology- for grades 5-8

TeAchnology- for high school

Teampedia- currently has 50 icebreakers and 100 team building activities

Thinkfinity- teachers share ideas for 8th graders

Research Information With an Interactive Spin

In 2010, I posted this information on research on our school's media center page. The Kentucky Virtual Library now has an interactive version which takes this wonderful poster to another level. The interface is visually appealing and students of all ages would benefit from this site. Thank you, Richard Byrne of Free Technology For Teachers for posting.
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