46 Web Sites About Creative Commons and Public Domain Images

I'm sure my students don't think twice about taking images off the Internet and pasting them into their reports or PowerPoint presentations. The reality is that unless permission is given to download or copy an image, it is considered plagiarism. Right. Tell that to my high school students and they will genuinely be surprised. They actually think that everything on the web is there for the taking. Here's where I share with them the beauty of Creative Commons licensing and public domain images. Not familiar with the various licenses? Read about them here.
Creative Commons Trademark
"Creative Commons is a non-profit that offers an alternative to full copyright."
  Public Domain images are not protected by copyright and are available for anyone to use.

4 Free Photos- from professional photographers

50 Inspirational Images From Flickr Under CC License

5,000 Free Stock Photos- includes 8,000 free cliparts

Animal Photos!- huge listing

Antique Clipart- Victorian and Edwardian clipart

The Best Copyright-Free Photographs- taken by U.S. Government employees for their work

Burning Well- public domain image source

Clipart Etc.- over 65,000 pieces of clipart free to educators

The Commons on Flickr- world public photo collection

Creativity103.com- more than 2,500 files; abstract backgrounds, textures and design ideas

EduPic Graphical Resource- free image resource for educators and students

FedFlix- "best movies of the United States Government, from training films to history, from our national parks to the U.S. Fire Academy and the Postal Inspectors, all of these fine flix are available for reuse without any restrictions whatsoever."

Flickr Creative Commons Search- inside Flickr; searches only CC images

Geograph-photos of the British Isles

Google Advanced Search- when you search something in the advanced mode, you can choose from four choices: 1. free to use or share 2. free to use or share, even commercially 3. free to use share or modify 4. free to use, share or modify, even commercially

Icons- from Crystal Clear, this is a huge (and really nice) collection of icons


Imagebase- with hundreds of pages of images; from photographer David Niblack

Karen's Whimsy- Easter bunnies, illuminated letters, Canterbury Tales, medieval art

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs

LiveBinders- many, many more links to other image sites under CC

MorgueFile- search images by subject, size or rating

National Digital Library- from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Open Clip Art Library- about 11,000 total

Open Icon Library- over free 10,000 icons

The Noun Project- symbols, diagrams

PhotoEverywhere-free travel-themed stock images; 3,000+

Photos8- free stock pictures; close to two-dozen categories to choose from

Picdrome- public domain pictures


Public Domain Photos- high resolution

Public Domain Photos- from imcphoto.net

Wikimedia Commons- browse their database of over 1.6 millions images!

WorldImages Kiosk- California State University's database houses around 80,000 images

Wylio- free pictures for bloggers

The Great List of Sites for Teachers

As I have mentioned before, I'm working on updating all my resources and it is taking longer than I thought. Sites move and change the URL or they just disappear off the face of the earth. Since things can change in a heartbeat, I can guarantee this list was current when I posted it.  Here are 56 links to add to your bookmarks:

4Teachers- integrating technology into the curriculum

Adobe Education -free lessons, course guides, and projects

The Adventures of Cyberbee- good for K-8 teachers

The Best on the Web For Teachers- 400 sites listed and rated

Brain-Based Learning- really long list of sites from EmTech

Busy Teachers Cafe- for K-6 teachers

Digital Librarian -a librarian’s choice for the best on the web; maintained by Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian in Cortland, New York

Discovery Education Free Teacher Resources- K-12

EdSitement -best of humanities on the web

Educate Me.net- teacher resource listing

EDUhound -everything for Education K12

Edutopia- George Lucas' Foundation is an excellent resource!

EmTech Teaching Resources -over 15,000 links!

Holt McDougal -teacher resources

Homeroom Teacher.com - some $$, some free


The Journal- online educational magazine

Media Literacy- long list of links

Oracle Thinkquest -5,000 unique educational websites

RHL School -free learning resources


SchoolTube- videos for the classroom

SearchPlanIt- a lesson plan search engine for the web

Sites For Teachers- over 1,000 are listed

Smithsonian Education.org- 1,000 resources including free lesson plans, field trips and interactive learning labs, organized by subject and grade

Tapped In- community of education professionals

Teacher Created Resources- resource books and free samples; elementary grades

Teachers Network- highly recommended site connects teachers nationwide to "share creative works and knowledge".

Teacher Pathfinder -educational Internet village

Teacher Planet

Teacher Training Videos- helps you integrate technology into the classroom

TeacherTube- videos for the classroom

The Teacher's Corner- free printables and more

Teacher's Pet- free tools fro creative teachers

TeacherView Resources- search engine for educational sites

Teachers.net- lesson plans, chatboard and much more

Teaching Today- lesson plans, tips


Tech and Learning- several blogs, newsletter, magazine, videos, tech forum

Terrific Sites for Teachers

Links to Hundreds of Virtual Field Trips

100+ Virtual Field Trips- Simple12

CARE Virtual Field Trips Archive- visit Guatemala, Ghana, Peru, Bolivia, Haiti and more

Clay Middle School Virtual Field Trips

Digital and Virtual Field Trips- from TeacherTap

Geology Field Trips

Google LitTrips- covers grades K-12

Historical Tour of the White House- click "Interactive Tour"

A Hotlist of Virtual Field Trips- mainly for grades K-8, this list covers Internet Resources and subject areas of math, social studies, science, the arts and language arts

Mapwing- students can create and share their virtual tour with others

Mountain Visions- interactive tours of mountains and national parks

Teaching with Historic Places- contains lesson plans, virtual field trips, this site is set up by the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places.  Organized by place, theme, and time period; highly recommended.

Tramline Science Field Trips- grades are labeled

Virtual Field Trips- from Lee's Summit R7 School District

Virtual Field Trips- from the Utah Educational Network; 12 categories, including library-media, technology and professional development

25 Resources for Drivers Education Teachers

California Department of Motor Vehicles- interactive practice test
California Driver Education Quia Quizzes- street sign game and driving quiz

Department of Motor Vehicles- national listing for forms and locations

Driver Education.com- they call their site "The Ultimate DriverDrivers Ed Resource"

DriverEd- resources for teachers, students and parents

Driving Today- fueling your passion for cars; car reviews

ELL Learners- photos of car problems with audio; car signs can be found here

Flashcards Test- signs of the road; choose how slow or fast you want to work

Highway 55-driving video game

Impact Teen Drivers- videos, blog, information

Keys2Drive- AAA Teen driving guide; U.S. states covered

Language Guide Car Vocabulary- for ESL and ELL learners

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration- crash information, injury protection

Ride Like a Friend- Driver Safety Week is Oct. 16-22, 2011

Signal 30- this 1959 black and white movie is a very graphic depiction of highway accidents. It shocked me when I first saw it and should get the attention of your students. The full version on YouTube posted this note: "To view this video or group, please verify that you are of the appropriate age by signing in or signing up." That's how graphic is really is. This is part one from the movie.

Toyota Teen Driver- lessons

38 Sites for High School Lesson Plans

Hopefully these web sites offer every high school teacher some great lesson plans
for their subject area. The links should bring you directly to the "high school" 
section. I tried to label those sites which did not offer browsing by grade level. 
Even though it's not even August yet, it's never too early to start gathering some 
great ideas. You will also notice that I just added the "high school" tab at the top
of the blog.

Cybersmart! Student Curriculum- covers cyberbullying,
Internet safety, digital citizenship

Free ESL Lessons to Download- nice listing includes Word
documents, PDFs, MP3 files

Lesson Planet- over 200,000 reviewed; can't browse by grade

Lesson Plan Central- can't browse by grade

Lesson Plan Megasearch- search (3) directories. including TeAchnology, LessonPlanz
and Virginia's site for educators

Lesson Plan Search-can't browse by grade level

Lesson Plans by Veteran Teachers- browse by subject only

McRel Lesson Plans- can't browse by grade level

TeacherPlanet- short list

Teachers.net Lesson Plans- long list of all high school lesson plans

Teachers Network- high school ESL lessons

These Kids Mean Busine$$- for business teachers

For Your Research: 40 Different Types of Glossaries

I've heard some students ask if a glossary is the same as a dictionary. Growing up without the Internet, I learned that a glossary was a listing of terms at the end of book. Each one of my textbooks had a glossary, which made it easy to look up any words which I didn't understand. Most of today's textbooks have glossaries, and unlike dictionaries, which have the definitions to all words, the glossary is a vocabulary list from a specific topic or work. So, for example, the digital photography teacher would use a glossary with vocabulary related specifically to digital photography, and an elementary school teacher would have their students use a dictionary to look up their spelling words. This list will be placed under the Reference tab and be updated over time.



LDOnline Glossary- learning disabilities


Digital Photography Glossary -digital photography glossary

eLearning Glossary- technology/web/Internet words

HTML Glossary- for web designers





Amazing Space Glossary

Environmental Glossary- are you green?

Genome Glossary- from the Human Genome Project

Weather Glossary- from Weather.com


Holocaust Glossary- from A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust

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